Saturday, July 05, 2014

EuroPride in Oslo


This year Oslo was the host of EuroPride. I went to take photos, I seem to have taken a hundred! There is so much colour. They collected near the Grønland police house, so I decided to go there first. You can sometimes get more interesting photos when people are not yet all in floats. I would like to have more photos here but did not know that I cannot upload anything straight  from my computer! I have only a few on Flickr. Then I went to a street corner further away when the Parade started. Later I moved to Karl Johan, where there were more people, I had to walk or run all the way as buses did not go there.

Earlier by the Opera house I had taken a photo of these guys.They were here to make a film of the EuroPride.



There were some clouds but it only started raining when the Parade reached the 'EuroPride Park' between the Town Hall and the sea.

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