Monday, March 07, 2016


I feel in some kind of crisis. I love photography and joined Flickr to see and show photos. I don't feel I can use much money for equipment, which means that I just have a point & shoot camera, with no manual way of doing things.  That restricts a lot the way you can photograph.

I have some friends that say what good photos I take. I do try to think of new or interesting ways of taking photos but having no manual way sometimes makes it difficult. It is for example impossible to take a proper photo of the moon as the camera lets in too much light.

People looking at my photos have become fewer and fewer. I think I have given up trying to get more viewers and do not really care.  But then I see a photo I could have taken myself and it has lots and lots of views. So I ask myself why and get annoyed. I feel it has a lot to do  with how well known you are. Sometimes I feel they have so many viewers as they always watch for their photos. People talk about how many comments they have. Many days go without me getting any. I just lost a good Flickr friend so I miss that interaction.

But I have started to see how many people take so much better photos, better angles, better cropping, better everything. Maybe I really do not have the imagination!

I just saw an interview with Philip Lee Harvey, a travel photographer. I really enjoyed that and I had
the strangest reaction to one of his photos. It was about a man dressed in white on top of a high square rock, an image from Ethiopia.  It showed only a short time but I gasped and cried out and almost wept, yet it was probably not even the best of his photos. Or maybe it is, as it is one from the  selection by Harvey by which he won The Travel Photography of the Year award.


There you can see how hopeless the moon photos are :)

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