After Obama's speech at the Kennedy Centre: "A total class act. I feel so sorry for those who can't understand what an exceptional human being led this country as President for eight years.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
The Yuletide Chorale - Holy Night
I was not able to sing with them this year but I love to sing the arrangement, especially the last bit. It is not very clear in the recording, the holy night, sung by the choir, in the end, lasts only for one beat, which you cannot hear here, as the soprano voice covers it,
Wednesday, December 06, 2017
Sunday, December 03, 2017
10 Impossible Things That Only Lionel Messi Is Capable of Doing ● He Is ...
I could not but laugh at times when they just were not able to take the ball from him.Watch the video on YouTube.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Susan Boyle duets with Elaine Paige December 2009 - "I know Him So Well"
Singing "I know Hom So Well" from Chess, in
ITV1 special I Dreamed A Dream: The Susan Boyle Story.
The dress looks very good on her.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Saturday, October 07, 2017
Friday, October 06, 2017
Friday, September 22, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Strange spring
The 4th of July celebrations in Oslo has always had an exhibition of cars.
So also this year. I have never owned car or driven one, but I enjoy looking at them.
Beautiful green leather interior |
Native theme |
This orange Chevrolet won the prize
The real colour is not quite that strong but it certainly was eye catching.
How do you like this duck?
Boy scouts
In front of a cardboard Trump, 4th July celebr. in Oslo. Got the gesture wrong
Somebody uploaded the speech Obama gave to boy scouts. It was a televised speech and it was short but it was all about scouts. So somebody wrote: "Teleprompter Barry reading a speech he did not write is not classy."
If Donald did not write all of his speech, he must have at least giving the writers the ideas, as the speech was all about him and his campaign. He even got the people boo on Obama and Hillary. In the beginning of his speech he said: "You want to achieve your dreams, I said, who the hell (sic) wants to speak about politics when I'm in front of the Boy Scouts? Right?" and then he proceeded to talk exactly of that! What?
Another comment: " Remember when POTUS was an erudite Constitutional Law professor with a lifelong record of public service and not an illiterate mobster? Just a little over six months ago."
Of course he was answered by: "William Daniels no no no, Ur the drunken kool Aid drinker. Obutt was only interested in destroying America and came too close. Thank God for Trump who was picked by God and Will be the best President EVER!!!"
Incredible how some can be duped. All this false rhetoric one can read : "destroying America". And they never tell you what they mean.
"All the Trump supporters are like "Well Trump at least made a personal appearance. And a long speech" Yes, he did but he talked about Obamacare and talked shit about Jeff Sessions. Like wtf. lol. He is talking to boy scouts. That wasn't the time or place."
A Trump supporter : "I just watched The Presidents speech and the 40,000 Scouts there loved it! Of course, the corrupt media hated it so they disrespectfully show this. smh"
If they loved it, that would be terrible, like so often, it was again all about himself, nothing said about scout values.
"Corrupt media", yes there are false papers and magazines, but most of them record realnews, sometimes they make mistakes but usually apologize. But most of t he media is not fake or corrupt, but the great idea, which also has worked, was to repeat these words in every speech, so people start believing those words. And everything that's not praising him is false news.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Many young people lost
Just before the funeral of Mauno Koivisto there was another terrorist action, this time in Manchester, England, where 22 people fell victim to a suicide bomber at Manchester Arena. This happened immediately after Ariana Grande's concert. She will be returning to give another concert for the victims.
I was taking photos at Gamlebyen and was returning to the centre, when I was passing a billboard full of concert posters. There was one for Ariana Grande. I felt I had seen something connected to her. Death? Her Death? I decided to take a photo. Soon after I found about Manchester.
Soon is the start of Ramadan,
ISIS calls for ‘all-out war’ to mark start of Ramadan by attacking ‘innocents and civilians in their homes, markets and roads’ after Manchester bombing.
They certainly are twisted, wanting to kill everyone who has not converted to their faith. When will something happen in Norway? They say innocents and I don't know what they mean with that. Who would want to kill innocents? I think they are getting more and more desperate partly because of the threats of President Trump.
The funeral of President Mauno Koivisto
President Mauno Koivisto's state funeral was on Thursday. The Koivistos had been married for 65 years.
Thus wrote the Helsinki Times:
"Over 30,000 people lined the streets of Helsinki to watch the funeral procession of President Mauno Koivisto on Thursday, according to the Helsinki Police Department.Koivisto, born in Turku in 1923, served two terms as the President of Finland in 1982–1994, guiding the country out from under the shadow of the Cold War into the European Union. He passed away at the age of 93 at Meilahti Hospital in Helsinki on 12 May, 2017.
He is widely credited for ushering in a new era of parliamentarianism in Finland by actively reducing his own powers and enhancing those of the Finnish Parliament.
“A great Finn has departed from our midst,” President Sauli Niinistö summarised in his eulogy at the Helsinki Cathedral on Thursday. “He has left us, but remains close to us. In terms of his ideas, ways, values and principles, he is still with us.”
“President Koivisto’s uniqueness did not lie in the fact that he knew the people, but that the people knew him,” said Niinistö.
“His thoughtful, deliberative way of approaching issued brought the ordinary citizen close to the statesman, perhaps closer than to any other in Finland’s history. Mauno Koivisto’s pithy, sharply analytical and often humorous remarks remain embedded in the essence of what it is to be Finnish. They reflect a way of thinking, principles and values that still affect our actions and deeds.”
"Koivisto’s final journey took him from the Helsinki Cathedral to the Hietaniemi Cemetery, where he was laid to rest close to predecessors Risto Ryti and Urho Kekkonen.
Koivisto also served twice as the Prime Minister of Finland in 1968–1970 and 1979–1982, as the Minister of Finance, and as the Governor of the Bank of Finland. He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Tellervo Koivisto, and daughter Assi Koivisto-Allonen.
His funeral was the first presidential funeral to be held in the country since that of President Kekkonen in 1986.
Aleksi Teivainen – HT"
The speeches of President Sauli Niinistö and Bishop Emeritus Eero Huovinen were moving, the Bishop was wiping away his tears.
I was close to President Koivisto and his daughter when they visited Canberra in the eighties. There was a lunch or coffee at the Finnish club and anybody could get close to them, even to take photos."
I have a slide I took of them, where both happen to support themselves on the table with the same hand on their chin.
Here Mrs Koivisto throws the red rose on the coffin, Bishop Huovinen watching, the choir Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat at the back.
There is a continuous flow of people to President Koivisto's grave, both young and old, many want to take photographs.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Mauno Koiviston hautajaiset
Näin kirjoitin Iltasanomiin: Kiitos Iltasanomille hienoista artikkeleista, videoista ja kuvista. Täällä Norjassakin sai täten olla mukana. Sibeliuksen hautajaisissa seisoin ylipppilaana kadunvarrella kunniavartion osana. Silloin oli myös kansa sankkana joukkona kadun molemmin puolin. Presidentin ja arkkipiispan puheet olivat liikuttavaa kuultavaa niiden vaikutuksen kannalta.
Mutta eikö olisi ollut mahdollista käyttää sanaa "hansikas" koko artikkelin aikana, sana "hanska" on niin kovin arkinen.
Presidentti Koiviston ja tyttärensä näin heidän käydessään Canberrassa, Australiasssa. Finnish Clubilla oli mahdollisuus jokaisella päästä aivan lähituntumaan kun he istuivat pöydässä. Se oli 1980-luvulla.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Liberals and the others
This is slanted reporting. She was not pissed off, she did not know what to do with the large box as she knew photographs would be taken just then. President Obama himself took it inside.
It is so sad to follow YouTube videos, where you can see the hatred between the Republicans and Liberals, though I feel Republicans show most hate. There must be many racists among them the way they write about President Obama and Michelle. "A chimp in heels"."Looks like a man". Calling both of them with distorted names. Fortunately there are many who loved and respected them.
Then the Liberals are equally horrible towards the First Lady. Much of it seems to be because she is a foreigner and they pretend that they do not understand what she says. Actually she has improved a lot.
Then there is the exaggerations, like in the following:
Trump "like President Kennedy"!!
Sometimes Liberals too are so stupid. Now they make a lot of noise as it seems that the First Lady slapped away Trump's hand on the tarmac. It is on various videos. When I watch it in slow motion, his hand is all the time in the same position. When she notices that he is reaching for her hand, her hand reaches for his but just then he gives up so both hands fall away at the same time. I cannot understand people who enjoy it so if they think there is something wrong between them. Whatever her past, they should respect her position at least, also I have not seen her say or do anything wrong, even the copy of Michelle's speech was the speech writers fault.
Michelle Obama and her husband had and have class and dignity, that is nothing new. There are those who understand that.
I miss not having a buffoon in the WH. President Obama as always, gracious, articulate, eloquent and always expressing appreciation towards a wife that he truly loves and cherishes.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Overcoming hopelessness | Nick Vujicic | TEDxNoviSad
What a great talk! A man born without arms or legs, who has made a life for himself and is even going to have a child. When you listen to him, occasionally your eyes get some moisture but most of the time you almost laugh or at least smile, because he really does give you hope. You would expect you heart become heavy, but it gets lighter. At least it makes me happy with what I have, I just have different things to enjoy than he has.
Listen to what he says about himself, what he has done, what kinds of people he has met, how many people he has met, how many talks he has given. He is a miracle.
Tuesday, May 09, 2017
Comey fired
We have had a beautiful spring here, and why worry about USA, but so many things have been happening.
President Trump has fired FBI Director Comey, having lost confidence in him. He was full of praise of Comey at the end of his campaign. They got Conway to answer Anderson Cooper and there came the 'alternative facts' again. When Anderson talked about the White House being under investigation, Conway denied it. Great eye rolling from Anderson.Anyway , a couple of great comments:
"All this did was show all Americans with half a brain that Trump is scared! Shits about to hit the fan in Washington. Why else would Trump fire a Republican FBI director. Trump MUST know how bad this corrupt it looks when you fire the person investigating you for treasonous behavior...YET HE STILL FIRED HIM! He's scared shitless about something that was uncovered and he's proactively trying to discredit Comey by getting rid of him."
"When she talks, you just know you're gonna get a bunch of bullshit dumped on you. It never fails! They will NEVER say it's because Trump wants people he could control when it comes to investigating him. It's not hard to see @ all. This is the most corrupt administration ever in American history. Republicans are pulling off the mask and showing America what their true intentions are. We MUST vote all these people out who aren't worthy of representing us. Take the blinders off because they've taken off their mask. It's VITAL people!"
"Trump claims that he has fired James Comey in order to restore confidence in the FBI. That is ridiculous. By firing someone who is overseeing two ostensibly independent investigations, the Trump administration carries on its pattern of stifling anything that does not whitewash Trump. Anyone who becomes the FBI director after this will be derided from the outset as a Trump tool. Trump can issue all the friendly statements he wants. This has too many of the hallmarks of a political hatchet job."
It might still take time before we get a new director, Bernie even thinks the number of people voting for the new one should be raised to 60 from the present 50. So many questions at the moment, one of them: did Trump lie or did Comey lie about Trump asking him to let the investigation of Flynn go?
And of course there is voting to accept the Trumpcare, 24 million Americans losing their health care, it is expected many to die as they cannot afford their medication. But the republicans don't care, or not very many.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
On Tuesday I went to IKEA to buy some food and drink to celebrate the Easter Day. This was the IKEA at Furuset. Then I went to an area on the other side of the Alfaset Cemetery to take some photos of a field of colts foot.
When this bus approached the stop where I had to get off, I saw somebody with a baby carriage near my paper bag on the other side of the road and it looked that they were handling it. My heart sank. When I had got off the bus and started crossing the road, I no more saw the person and the bag was still there. I was hopeful but when I got there and looked inside the bag, it was empty! The person had just taken all my five purchases but left the bag. I was very disappointed that I had been robbed. Not only had I lost the things, I felt bad that someone would take things he knew belonged to another person. Did they think that the owner might not be returning? They knew they were doing wrong as they had left the paper bag. The strange thing was that I felt like I had been raped. I knew that would be hugely worse than what had happened to me, but it made me weep, even if people saw it.
It was somehow even worse that I had seen them steal the things. There were two side roads they could have taken, but my first thought had not been to try to go after them.
Later I went back to IKEA and bought three of the items. I tried to explain to the cashier what had happened but it did not go very well. Almost twenty four years in Norway and I cannot pronounce "stjele"! I never really needed to use the word before. So the 'j' is not pronounced? She did not understand and seemed to look for help from three men standing close by, and probably thought something had happened to me at IKEA, so at last I said: 'Never mind , it is not what you think.' It was approaching a comedy film.
Also it was my own fault, that I do not look after my things.
Thursday, April 06, 2017
Crazy world or rather, crazy people
I must warn people that what follows is somebody's crazy imaginings and not the truth. But no wonder, it is connected to The People's Voice TV Station, founded by David Icke, which bankrupted.
"Fears are growing that a missing Brazilian student who left behind mysterious Illuminati symbols in his bedroom may have been transported to another dimension.
Psychology student, Bruno Borges,disappeared from his home last Monday whilst working on a top secret project.
His disappearance sparked rumors across social media that he may have cracked the secret to interdimensional travel, after a video was leaked online where he was seen discussing the work of Giordano Bruno – a famous Italian scientist who believed in time travel, aliens, and parallel universes.
Another article from the same magazine:
Adele “shapeshifted into an eight-foot reptilian” backstage at Auckland’s Mount Smart Stadium after the final concert of her world tour, according to shocked fans and a reporter from the New Zealand Herald.
The ten super fans, invited backstage to meet Adele after her final New Zealand show, got more than they bargained for when the singer “shapeshifted” into a “massive, at least eight or nine feet tall, powerfully built reptilian” with “greenish-grey scales“, to quote one of the witnesses.
Jim Joint, reporting for the New Zealand Herald, wrote that the super fans told him Adele had “flickering reptile eyes with a black stripe down the middle” and “scaly horns and protrusions” all over her body.
“She looked shocked, like she wasn’t prepared for the change,” a witness told the Herald.
Do people really believe this?
I don't know...
This is incredible!
I don’t know – it’s hard for me to see any U.S. ties to Russia…except for the Flynn thing and the Manafort thing
and the Tillerson thing
and the Sessions thing
and the Kushner thing
and the Carter Page thing
and the Roger Stone thing
and the Felix Sater thing
and the Boris Ephsteyn thing
and the Rosneft thing
and the Gazprom thing
and the Sergey Gorkov banker thing
and the Azerbajain thing
and the “I love Putin” thing
and the Donald Trump, Jr. thing
and the Sergey Kislyak thing
and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing
and the Russian Business Interests thing
and the Emoluments Clause thing
and the Alex Schnaider thing
and the hack of the DNC thing
and the Guccifer 2.0 thing
and the Mike Pence “I don’t know anything” thing
and the Russians mysteriously dying thing
and Trump’s public request to Russia to hack Hillary’s email thing
and the Trump house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king thing
and the Russian fertilizer king’s plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing
and the Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing
and the Nunes personal investments in the Russian winery thing
and the Cyprus bank thing
and Trump not releasing his tax returns thing
and the Republican Party’s rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing
and the election hacking thing
and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing
and the Steele Dossier thing
and the Leninist Bannon thing
and the Sally Yates can’t testify thing
and the intelligence community’s investigative reports thing
and Trump’s reassurance that the Russian connection is all “fake news” thing
and Spicer’s Russian Dressing “nothing’s wrong” thing
so there’s probably nothing there
since the swamp has been drained, these people would never lie
probably why Nunes cancels the investigation meetings
all of this must be normal
just a bunch of separate dots with no connection.
---Lane Crothers
I don’t know – it’s hard for me to see any U.S. ties to Russia…except for the Flynn thing and the Manafort thing
and the Tillerson thing
and the Sessions thing
and the Kushner thing
and the Carter Page thing
and the Roger Stone thing
and the Felix Sater thing
and the Boris Ephsteyn thing
and the Rosneft thing
and the Gazprom thing
and the Sergey Gorkov banker thing
and the Azerbajain thing
and the “I love Putin” thing
and the Donald Trump, Jr. thing
and the Sergey Kislyak thing
and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing
and the Russian Business Interests thing
and the Emoluments Clause thing
and the Alex Schnaider thing
and the hack of the DNC thing
and the Guccifer 2.0 thing
and the Mike Pence “I don’t know anything” thing
and the Russians mysteriously dying thing
and Trump’s public request to Russia to hack Hillary’s email thing
and the Trump house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king thing
and the Russian fertilizer king’s plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing
and the Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing
and the Nunes personal investments in the Russian winery thing
and the Cyprus bank thing
and Trump not releasing his tax returns thing
and the Republican Party’s rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing
and the election hacking thing
and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing
and the Steele Dossier thing
and the Leninist Bannon thing
and the Sally Yates can’t testify thing
and the intelligence community’s investigative reports thing
and Trump’s reassurance that the Russian connection is all “fake news” thing
and Spicer’s Russian Dressing “nothing’s wrong” thing
so there’s probably nothing there
since the swamp has been drained, these people would never lie
probably why Nunes cancels the investigation meetings
all of this must be normal
just a bunch of separate dots with no connection.
---Lane Crothers
Wednesday, April 05, 2017
Reading YouTube comments.
Spring is here, we have not had snow for some time.
Posting as ausfi! I thought that was what I had always done, but I had not seen this before. But now I see my other YouTube icon in the corner. By mistake I started another account and I don't understand how to remove it.
I know I watch YouTube videos too often, and what is worst, read people's comments. They are often so vicious. Like these:
what is very sad is that the Obama's children were adopted Michelle Obama isn't a woman she's a man transgender and what's very sad it doesn't matter he's a human being and he's a child and his parents love him and we the people we love Baron and we love our first lady we thank God for them everyday for eight years we were tormented by the big man Michelle Obama and her fake life and her psycho husband so let us pray for the Trumps and thank God that he has blessed us in this country to have a real president
What does Lana mean with: tormented? Is that because he is not white? Michelle Obama is a lovely person whom I respect. These horrible lies are so sad. But is also sad that the present First Lady Melania is also vilified by many or praised too much by others, who say that at last there is class at the White House. She is a former model, so of course she is prettier, being svelte and pretty. Is that really so important? One of the most accomplished First Ladies was Eleanor Roosevelt and no-one would call her beautiful, does that lessen her worth?
Certainly people who attack Baron are stupid, but you cannot paint all liberals with the same brush, I believe most of them have not criticized Baron. Even Rosie O'Donnell only talked about his possible autism, because her daughter is autistic and she thought that if Baron was too, the parents could make that an agenda and reach more people.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Elizabeth Warren DESTROYS Trumps SEC Nominee
She is a very good speaker and sincere. Will Trump last eight years, or will four be enough? She might be a better female president than Hillary.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
injured crow
I saw this crow moving strangely and always turning his left side towards me. I noticed that its wing was hanging down, he could not close the feathers. It was really interesting how difficult it was to take a photo of the wing, he was quick to turn.
Here he is from the other side,
This was several years ago, I hope he was able to find food.
Wednesday, March 01, 2017
Iivolta kultaa! Gold medal in Lahti
He made the Swedes angry by talking about Myllylä

Iivo won the men's 15 km, the second was Norway's Martin Jonsrud Sundby and the third Niklas Dyrhaug who hear are carrying Iivo. In his speech Iivo remembered Mika Myllylä who had been one of those involved in the doping scandal 15 years ago, who has since died. He was the heero of Iivo when he was young. Especially the Swedish press did not like him talking about Myllylä. The doping was not by ingesting anything, it was using a banned blood plasma expander.
The success of Lahti 2017 has done much to restore the faith to the Finnish teams and Lahti.

Iivo won the men's 15 km, the second was Norway's Martin Jonsrud Sundby and the third Niklas Dyrhaug who hear are carrying Iivo. In his speech Iivo remembered Mika Myllylä who had been one of those involved in the doping scandal 15 years ago, who has since died. He was the heero of Iivo when he was young. Especially the Swedish press did not like him talking about Myllylä. The doping was not by ingesting anything, it was using a banned blood plasma expander.
The success of Lahti 2017 has done much to restore the faith to the Finnish teams and Lahti.
Martin Jonsrud Sundby tried to catch Niskanen, but the gap was getting too big. At the finish, Sundby lost +17.9 seconds to Niskanen.
The third was Niklas Dyrhaug
Martin Jonsrud Sundby tried to catch Niskanen, but the gap was getting too big. At the finish, Sundby lost +17.9 seconds to Niskanen.
The third was Niklas Dyrhaug
Martin Jonsrud Sundby tried to catch Niskanen, but the gap was getting too big. At the finish, Sundby lost +17.9 seconds to Niskanen.
The third was Niklas Dyrhaug
Monday, February 27, 2017
Thursday, February 09, 2017
Trump is president, hoping for the best
He gave a good speech, rumoured to be mostly written by himself. It was good except the way he described America that made it sound more like a third world country, like everything was as bad as could be, when the truth is quite different. During Obama crime has gone down, unemployment has gone down, more people have Social Security than ever before.
But bad things have happened again. The Good Lord help America! Maybe I should not look any more to American politics on YouTube, it can easily make one crazy! Just stay in Scandinavia and Finland.
But bad things have happened again. The Good Lord help America! Maybe I should not look any more to American politics on YouTube, it can easily make one crazy! Just stay in Scandinavia and Finland.
It really is dangerous!!
I was stupid enough to write on YouTube under a hateful video that vilified everyone from the Obamas and Clintons to John Brennan of CIA who they called a convert to Islam. The video was full of Islamophobia. Seems that one is not allowed to say one nice or ordinary thing of any Muslim as a person, they think everyone wants to go to USA and kill everyone who is Christian or anyone not Muslim.
I wrote: I cannot believe any of this but what does it matter.What bloody Global do people always talk about!! So now you are suddenly for the Jews. When I listen to you, I feel as if I was listening to Satan. It really gave me that feeling.

ausfi - sorry. It is you who Satan speaks through. Jesus called us to be salt and light. When we see evil we speak up. You come on the comments here and throw mindless insults. No one said they were the law. Are you fighting Alzheimer's? Maybe just maybe you are not that evil but just a crotchety old ugly person. Or it does sound like you may have mental issues. My wife & I will say a prayer for your nasty or sick tongue. Get involved lady. Fight for freedom. Go throw your mental illness stones elsewhere.
Sadly you refer to Jews. What is wrong with Jews? Now I'm either talking to a senile hateful bigoted nursing home lady who can't help it or you are an anti Semite hater. Good riddance!!

Why did you feel that you had to be insulting? There are other ways to write. I should not have said the b-word, but I don't know why you say bad things of me that you imagine, you have no idea what I'm like. You certainly sound very unfriendly. I thank you for praying for me and I will pray for you and your wife. I cannot help that this video sounds very weird. Muslim prayers in the White House 3X a day?? For everyone?
You are not a pastor? You certainly don't write like one. Satan does not speak through me. Jesus Christ is with me every day, I hope He is with you. My church people never say such things about me. I cannot help that I felt like evil people talking. If you are a good person, I apologize.
I referred to Jews as one finds so many evil things said of them on YouTube. Great that you don't. I'm related to Jews so why should I think there is anything wrong with them?
Also I do not hate anybody, many people use very hate-filled language here, why do you not attack them?
And after that he answered: FEDERICO InspoNews1 hour ago
And after that he answered: FEDERICO InspoNews1 hour ago
Please get off my channel you total KOOK
So I did. Leaving just the message. God keep you safe. KOOK lol. So we both think the other one is KOOK.
Another exchange, though not with me. People are mad!
" All Religions need to come together to prevent what's ahead by Nazism taking over our country!
Don't continue to believe the (false flag) hypes that were created to divide us.
Muslims are made Patsies for their ww3 agenda!
The Quran Chapter 2 verse 62 (among other places) states that Muslims, Christians, Jews and Sabians (astrologers) who believe in God will meet their reward!! Don't continue to be deceived!!!!
+Fareedah Nuri
Christians are getting their heads chopped off at alarming rates and being burned alive by Muslim extremists. Don't believe what hype? What are you doing to stop the Muslim carnage? We don't want it spilling over to America and yet Obama and the liberal left seem absolutely dead set on making it happen to American Christians and we're not having it!!!!
Fareedah Nuri .. All muslims are at constant world wide war against all nonmuslim nations and peoples by order of their own written political religion of submission and world domination. As evidenced by their unbroken, ongoing pattern of worldwide evil behavior since momad was rampaging across the then known world with his hordes until the crusaders corrected that problem. They were allied with Adolf Hitler in WWII. Populating nonmuslim nations and lands by "refugee" invaders and many other tactics are part of the same jihadic type activity as ALL the violent jihadic activity. If Israel and America did not exist they would be doing the same thing. The real "NAZIS" are of the establishment/Islamic/democrat/globalist totalitarian alliance that must be destroyed.
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