Saturday, June 11, 2016

Valid again

When you apply for a passport online, often they send it to the R-kiosk near you. For some reason, though they had a sample of my handwriting and my two fingerprints from the earlier passport, they wanted me to come and get it  from the main police department in Pasila. In the station a young girl came to me and asked what would I do with a 500 euro travel card. She was an agent of Fortnum, an electricity company. I applied for the money . She took my particulars and then asked if I would change my company which we did as it was a better deal in many ways.

Pasila is undergoing huge changes, I had to cross the bridge, which was covered on both sides as they were working on the grounds. I had help of a guy to find the police though I was on the right street. Inside, I took a ticket and took a seat but my number was already showing. The young man behind the counter said it would take a few minutes but already a woman brought my passport. Such quick service! The passport was a bit different from the earlier one, the outside looked better and inside  were  pictures of Finnish animals in brown on each page, every second page a moose. Outside the back cover they had engraved snowflakes. A Norwegian paper had an article about their passport, praising it and claiming no-one else had such nice pictures. I wonder!

My photo, yes, it was horrible, almost like a zombie, fortunately one does not need to look at it often.

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