"Astro Boy 13 [farm6.staticflickr.com/5348/buddyicons/94944702@N07.jpg?1...] recently sent a message to those that signed his petition:
'Hello Everyone. This is Astroboy13 from Flickr (Toby Tenma, maker of the petition)
First I want to thank Everyone for signing the petiton and want to brin something to light.
Dear old Thea Lamkin for the flickr Help Forums has felt that I am a dig enough threat due to this petition to have me banned from the Help Forums. Due to this complication I can not let people know that a Petition Exists. I implore all of you to please make sure you are sharing this petition with everyone who can sign it. Share it on Facebook and Twitter. I would also make sure you post it at random on the flickr help forums. Let Thea know censorship will not stand!
Now that I am banned, I am counting on all of you to be my hands. Lets make this petition happen and we CAN make a difference.
Thanks for your Attention!
Toby Tenma'
'Hello Again Everyone.
I am sorry to say, I am declaring Flickr a complete lose. Our campaign has failed to gain the momentum needed to gain the number of signatures needed to make a impression on the Flickr Staff. In addition, the Flickr team is taking proactive steps to Ban any users they know have signed the petition. In this light, I am going to make a recommendation. I suggest that anyone will the ablility to leave flickr do so. The website www.ipernity.com has kindly offered to help any flickr users who are upset with the new design. ipernity is almost identical to the flickr old design. They are a relitively new website so I suggest patience with them. They only have 7 staff members at the moment, but unlike flickr, they listen to users and we can help them grow. In addition, there is a old flickr members group you can join where we can help you make the change. If you have questions, you can ask us. The group is: www.ipernity.com/group/286519. I will continue the petition, I just wanted to bring people up to speed. Lets "Abandon Ship" before the RMS Flickr drags us down. They hit their iceberg, but are ignorant enough to think they will not sink.
If you have any questions or comments for me, I can be reached at astroboy_99@rocketmail.com.
Good Luck my friends,
Toby Tenma'"
Well I signed the petition and have not been banned yet :)
By the way, the "Astro Boy" cartoon was sent by a channel in Australia, and I used to watch it.
I wish success for the petition though I have not much hope. To go back would be egg on the face.
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